Depending on your situation and the reasons for obtaining hypnotherapy, you may require one session or a series of sessions to get favorable results. People are directed through a procedure to establish a trance-like condition that allows them to focus their brains, respond more quickly to ideas, and feel completely relaxed during a hypnotherapy session. A hypnotherapy services San Antonio, TX, use the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you focus more deeply on an issue. You will also be given self-hypnosis skills to help you continue your therapy after your sessions are finished. But did you know that hypnosis can also help you overcome addictions? Read on to learn more about hypnosis.
Helps Overcome Phobias
Phobias are irrational and unwarranted fears. While they can have real consequences, they are disproportionate to the perceived danger. Generally, phobias stem from a traumatic experience, and the fear is excessive and debilitating. As a result, many people spend hours and even days avoiding the trigger. In addition, they may experience physical symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, or panic attacks.
As stress and anxiety increase, people's phobias appear suddenly, seemingly without warning. It causes the subconscious to go into "red alert," constantly scanning the world for threats. Hypnotherapy can help overcome these fears by convincing the subconscious that the feared experience is dull, boring, or otherwise unappealing. As a result, the person experiences no distress. In many cases, people with phobias find hypnotherapy to be a lifesaver.
Reduces Pain
In a study, participants with chronic pain were compared to those with less pain during self-hypnosis. The researchers found that patients who engaged in self-hypnosis during a pain intervention were less likely to take analgesics. In addition, during interventional radiologic procedures, patients reported less pain when self-hypnosis was used. Therefore, hypnotherapy may also help reduce pain during interventional radiology procedures.
Researchers have shown that hypnosis can reduce pain in patients who have fibromyalgia. This study also found that hypnosis decreased pain intensity and reduced the scale used to assess pain. Similarly, it reduced anxiety and stress. The results of the study are promising. Further, hypnosis can help people with chronic pain get rid of the underlying causes of their pain and reduce their symptoms.
Helps With Addiction
If you're addicted to cigarettes, hypnotherapy is a great way to quit. The most successful type of hypnosis has the highest success rate. During the therapy, a trained hypnotherapist directs suggestions to remove the desire from the patient's subconscious. First, the patient will be guided to visualize the negative consequences of smoking cigarettes and the harm they cause. Then, the hypnotherapist will ask them to repeat the negative effects every time they reach for a cigarette.
Many people in recovery from addiction think they can beat it independently. Unfortunately, this is a common mistake. Once addiction takes root, it forms a dark hole within the addict. Many in long-term recovery were horrified with the person they had become. While it doesn't happen overnight, it's possible to overcome addiction. Hypnotherapy is an invaluable tool for overcoming addiction, and it can help loved ones and addicts who have struggled with it.
Drug-Free Alternative to Manage Addiction
Using hypnosis as a tool for managing addiction is a promising method. The mind is more receptive to healing suggestions than usual, so hypnosis is a powerful way to address your issues with addictive behaviors. Hypnotherapy can help you gain control over your behavior, overcome negative thoughts and feelings, and strengthen your willpower. It is a proven technique for treating addiction and is highly effective in conjunction with other treatment methods.
Although hypnosis is not a widely-used or highly valued treatment method, it can be a great way to treat an addiction. In addition to being a drug-free alternative, hypnosis greatly complements other treatment methods. A qualified substance abuse therapist will work with you to determine the best method for your situation. The goal of treatment is to make the individual feel better and reduce the cravings for drugs.